Commemorating a Legacy, Advocating for Our Planet: A Joint Celebration of Kartini and Earth Day brought together by Sandei and Föld
Apr 23, 2024
With the help of their sister company Föld, and in collaboration with Potluck, Imaji Studio, Ibu Arsitek, One Fine Sky, and Brunhaus & Co., Sandei Blinds brings forth a joint celebration of Kartini and Earth Day to showcase their active support for women empowerment, collaborative works, and sustainable practices.
INDONESIAN WOMEN: PROUD TO BE ME, commemorates the legacy of Kartini and her achievements in advancing women’s rights and female education in Indonesia, where without her advocacy, the women of Indonesia today would not have the same opportunities as they do now. Celebrating the cultural aspects and qualities that define being an Indonesian woman to continuously inspire and cultivate the endless possibilities that they can accomplish.
While honoring the past, it is important to remember to look toward the future. The constant ecological impact that humans have inflicted upon the planet is a concerning issue that needs to be dealt with immediately. As such, celebrating Earth Day is a small effort to bring attention to this very important issue. By inviting brands with the same values as Sandei Blinds, the event promotes wonderfully curated products all achieved through responsible and sustainable efforts. It reminds people that responsibility is not only upheld by brands and companies but is also in the hands of the people themselves. By choosing to shop for sustainably made products, these small actions create ripples that will eventually result in a bigger reduction of the impact we have on the environment, thus contributing to bettering the future of the Earth.
The director of PT Sandimas Intimitra dan INK, Jenfilia Suwandrei Arifin, is dedicated to both social and environmental causes. This commemoration of both Kartini and Earth Day has shown the empowering and sustainable mindset that she continues to embody as a proud Indonesian businesswoman who leads and is not afraid to be vocal on the matters that mean most to her.
Föld, Potluck, Imaji Studio, Ibu Arsitek, One Fine Sky, Brunhaus & Co.
Bartega, Föld, Ibu Arsitek, Potluck, Lunch For My Husband